yí hàn

regret, to regret, to be sorry that

Example Chinese sentences for "遗憾"

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zhēn yí hàn xià yǔ le。

What a pity it rained.


zhēn yí hàn bǐ sài shū le。

It's a pity that we lost the game.


zhēn yí hàn jīn tiān xià yǔ le。

What a pity it rained today.


tā hěn yí hàn méi néng qù lǚ xíng。

He regretted not being able to travel.


zhēn yí hàn wǒ men méi néng jiàn miàn。

It's a pity we didn't get to meet.


wǒ yí hàn de gào su nín, huì yì qǔ xiāo le。

I regret to inform you that the meeting has been cancelled.

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