Example Chinese sentences for "taken in (by sb..."

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cǐ zhào piàn shì wǒ pāi de。

This photo was taken by me.


cǐ zhào piàn shì wǒ hé péng you zài hǎi biān pāi de。

This photo was taken by my friend and I at the beach.


nǐ zì jǐ kān

Look by youself

wo bei she yao le

I by snake bitten

wo bei gou yao le

I by dog bitten

wo bei ta da le

I by him beaten


wǒ bèi yīn yuè chǎo xǐng

I by music woken up


wǒ kào chuāng hu zuò zhāo

I sit by the window

dà qiáo chōng huǐ le

The bridge washed away by water


zhè ge chéng shì bèi shān mài wéi rào

The city is surrounded by mountains

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