Example Chinese sentences for "not only (this ..."

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zhǐ yǒu zhè ge běn zi

I have only this notebook.


zhè shì wǒ men wéi yī de xuǎn zé。

This is our only option.


tā bù dàn cōng ming, ér qiě yīng jùn。

He is not only smart, but handsome.


mǐ fàn bù dàn pián yi, ér qiě hǎo chī

Rice is not only cheap but delicious


zhè tiáo jiē zhǐyǒu dān yī fāng xiàng

This street has only one direction


zhè shì wéi yī de chū lù。

This is the only way out.


tā bù dàn piào liang, ér qiě hěn yǒu qián

She is not only beautiful, but also rich


zhè ge bù hǎo chī

This is not tasty


Zhè běn shū méiyǒu yòng

This book is not useful


wǒ bù dàn xǐ huan kàn qiú, ér qiě xǐ huan dǎ qiú

I not only like to watch football, but also like to play

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